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LIANZA Professional Development Workshop: Refresh your web search strategies with Mary Ellen Bates

  • Thursday, March 16, 2023
  • 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
  • Zoom
  • 2


  • Personal member of LIANZA or TRW
  • Staff of a LIANZA Institutional Membership (there is no limit on the amount of registrations you can make with the discounted rate)
  • Professionally Registered member of another Association

Registration is closed

Thursday March 16, 10-11.30am

Refresh your web search strategies with Mary Ellen Bates

LIANZA invites you to join an online, interactive workshop that will improve your web search strategies. Mary Ellen Bates is a legendary information professional and an expert at online searching, with a deep knowledge of the latest tools, tactics and technologies that librarians can use to find information for their clients. In 2021 this workshop was so popular two additional dates were added.

So register NOW to get a place.

In this interactive 1.5-hour webinar Mary Ellen will join from the United States and provide you with the very latest in web search strategies and tactics and discuss the most effective ways to provide added value in the ways you deliver information to clients. She will also touch briefly on some issues relevant to today’s information professionals, including the possible impact of new information technologies such as AI chatbots on information services.

Don’t miss this fantastic opportunity to learn from of the world’s most insightful, innovative, and respected information professionals.

To find out more about Mary Ellen Bates, visit her website.

Mary Ellen Bates

Mary Ellen Bates is the principal of Bates Information Services, based in Colorado, USA and founded in 1991. She provides strategic business research and analysis to support better business decisions, and offers consulting services to the information industry. She is the author of seven books and innumerable articles on the information industry, and is a frequent keynote speaker to the information community. Her passion projects are beekeeping and coaching infopreneurs.

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