What do we mean by ‘health information literacy’ and are our libraries health literate organisations? How is our role as library and information professionals evolving in this space, how can we help our communities navigate the torrent of information flowing through the internet, and how well-prepared are we? Trusted, evidence-based health information is in high demand and a source of hot debate over the last two years. We will be looking at reliable health information sources and how to go about helping customers locate information when you're not a health professional. Peter Murgatroyd and Jo Cocker will explore the complex health information landscape and take you through the best way to deal with health information queries.
Peter Murgatroyd is Library and Knowledge Services Manager at Te Whatu Ora Counties Manukau (formerly Counties Manukau District Health Board).
Jo Cocker is the Digital Literacy Specialist in the Connected Communities Department at Auckland Council.
This session will be recorded & uploaded to the LIANZA YouTube Channel.