LIANZA and PLNZ are delighted to offer another meet-up to discuss actions and strategies being taken by libraries to engage and support staff. Up-skilling, encouraging professional development, buddy systems, re-deployment, contractors, workloads, supporting vulnerable staff, adapting services to prioritise the health and well-being of staff, deployment to EOC/welfare deliveries, and sharing some of the innovations library teams have worked on collaboratively using the marvels of online technology, over the last few weeks. This is a semi-facilitated space to share challenges, ideas and solutions with colleagues.
All are welcome – whatever part of the library and information sector you are in !
Please use the register button to RSVP and the Zoom link and password for the webinar will be emailed to you.
Please do not share this Zoom link or password. RSVP’s and passwords are being used to ensure the Zoom meetup is a ‘safe space’. Please ask any colleagues to RSVP to receive the link and password to join the meetup.