LIANZA and SLANZA - The Power of Picture Books

  • Thursday, March 24, 2022
  • Thursday, April 14, 2022
  • 4 sessions
  • Thursday, March 24, 2022, 1:00 PM 2:00 PM (NZDT)
  • Thursday, March 31, 2022, 1:00 PM 2:00 PM (NZDT)
  • Thursday, April 07, 2022, 1:00 PM 2:00 PM (NZST)
  • Thursday, April 14, 2022, 1:00 PM 2:00 PM (NZST)
  • Zoom
  • 0


LIANZA and SLANZA Power of Picturebooks Workshop Series
Thursday March 24, March 31, April 7 and April 14
from 1-2pm

Join Nicola Daly, University of Waikato and Glenys Bichan, SLANZA to learn more about the power of picturebooks.

The first three workshops are based on the FutureLearn Power of Picturebooks MOOC, however Nicola will focus on different picturebooks, and expand on ideas presented in the online course. The fourth bonus workshop will be presented by Glenys Bichan, passionate high-school librarian and former SLANZA president. 

Nicola and Glenys are keen to connect with children and youth services and school librarians from around New Zealand.

This workshop series is limited to 40 participants.

Workshop One: The power of picturebooks- Illustrations

In the first session we will define a picturebook, explore visual techniques used in the illustrations of picturebooks, and then examine wordless picturebooks (also known as silent picturebooks and visual narratives). Please bring along a picturebook whose illustrations you appreciate, and if possible a wordless picturebook (note David Weisner, Aaron Becker, and Jeannie Baker have created a few).  

Workshop Two : The power of picturebooks- languages
The use of more than one language in a picturebook communicates ideas about language to young readers. The ways in which the languages are presented can support existing power structures or challenge them. In the second session we will examine how multiple languages can be used in picturebooks, with particular reference to bilingual Māori-English picturebooks. I will share ideas about how such picturebooks can be used in classrooms to support language learning, and language awareness. Please bring along any picturebook you can find using a mix of two or more languages.

Workshop Three: The power of picturebooks- seeing yourself and others.
It’s really important for all children that they see both themselves and others in the picturebooks they read or have read to them. The mix of language and text in picturebooks gives the books particular power in developing empathy. In the third and last session, we will explore how picturebooks can be used for social justice, exploring in depth recently published picturebooks which give insights into immigration and stereotyping. Please bring a picturebook to this session which features characters from a group which is minoritised in some way (e.g., gender, ethnicity, ability, language).

Workshop Four: The power of picture books for adolescents in hauora and learning in secondary schools.
Picturebooks are useful tools in the delivery of the NZ curriculum, and inform adolescents of issues in a tangible way that impacts how they feel about what they learn.
Picturebooks create laughter, community and support our students in the issues they face. We will discuss this and share together the picturebooks that have impacted students in our libraries.

All workshops will be a mix of PowerPoint slides, picturebook readings and group discussions. Due to their interactivie nature, the workshops will not be recorded.

Nicola Daly

Nicola Daly is a sociolinguist and associate professor in the Division of Education at the University of Waikato where she teaches children’s literature. Her work explores multilingualism and language hierarchies in children's picturebooks, recognising the power of this often underestimated format in the development of language attitudes and the perpetuation of hegemonies. In 2019/2020 she was a Fulbright New Zealand Scholar based at the University of Arizona, USA.

Glenys Bichan

Glenys Bichan is passionate about connecting with adolescents in a meaningful real way. The library kaupapa is that of the school lounge and the space, collections and relationships with her students develop and enhance that culture in her school library.  Glenys is the Cambridge High School Library Manager and past-president of SLANZA.

Please note
your registration is for all four workshops.