LIANZA Meetup - Sharing Strategies for Moving Levels

  • Thursday, April 16, 2020
  • 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM

Thursday April 16, 1.30pm

LIANZA is hosting a meetup for anyone interested in brainstorming and sharing ideas about strategies that will be needed as communities begin to move back ‘down the levels’. Book quarantining, limits on numbers in public spaces, using Zoom with customers, mitigating risk, supporting contact tracing, supporting staff and communities digitally etc etc . Join your colleagues from across the library sector so that preparations and planning are in place.

Please use the register button to RSVP and the Zoom link for the webinar will be emailed to you.

Please do not share this Zoom link.
RSVP’s are being used to ensure the Zoom webinar is a ‘safe space’.
Please ask any colleagues to RSVP to receive the link to join the webinar.

The numbers for this meeting have reached maximum capacity.
Another meeting can be offered if there is sufficient interest and this meeting will be recorded.